LinkedIn services | LinkedIn profile writing
Working with you to create a profile that gets you noticed and tells your story in a way that attracts prospects to you.
You need to clearly demonstrate the “What’s in it for them?” and “Why should they work with you?” message.
Your profile needs to clearly represent you as a professional and having the right content is vital.
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LinkedIn training
Many people are confused about how to build up their network on LinkedIn.
Do I just connect with people I know?
Do I just build up connections of my peers, not clients?
Can I cold-call a prospect on LinkedIn? How do I word my connection message/Inmail to get the desired result?
Answers to the above can vary dependent on a number of factors and how you wish to use this social selling tool.
I compile a strategic game-plan with you to help with your business and professional aims.
LinkedIn marketing
Have you got a helping hour?
I am a firm believer in that if you can help others succeed, it will come back to you many fold. There are many ways you can do this on LinkedIn and I can show you various techniques that you can employ on a regular basis.
Do you know how to successfully blog on LinkedIn Pulse?
Thought leadership is about educating the reader and is the key to gaining trust, attracting your target market and developing relationships. LinkedIn blogging is one of the best ways to brand you and your company as the expert in your particular industry.
Call now for a free no obligation telephone consultation.